Sachin Gupta - The Bidding Wizard | Jindal Stainless
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Culture, Stainless Spirit

The Bidding Wizard

February 23, 2020    



From being a Draftsman in the company to drafting a 25 crore Retention Tank order, Sachin is the business equivalent of his namesake from the cricket world! His enthusiasm for his profession motivates him to commute 5 hours straight to contribute his bit to the organisation. When we recall Mr Gupta’s journey with us, we remember how he continued to work despite being admitted to the hospital for over a month. His zeal to work was higher than his sickness, and here we try to capture his ‘infectious’ commitment to the company…

What was life before you began working with Jindal Stainless?

 Born and brought up in Ghaziabad, I started my professional journey in 2003 with United Composheet, and later moved to Roll Mill Industries in Noida. I worked there for three years with all my passion for learning new things. Working in the manufacturing industry kindled my interest in the magic metal and that’s what made me join our company. Apart from that, I have always enjoyed sharing time with my beautiful wife and two kids. My family motivates me to strive for more happiness and to be a better man every day.

What are some of the responsibilities you have shouldered in this company?

I joined the organisation on August 11, 2006 as a Draftsman and at that time, our organisation was known as Jindal Architecture Limited. After my performance was reviewed, I was promoted to Senior Draftsman. In the year 2015, I was promoted to Associate Manager – Design and also got the opportunity to work in the Cost Estimation Department for all verticals related to the Pathredi plant. In May 2018, I got the opportunity to handle the Railways department cost estimation along with bidding and managing the tendering portal of Indian Railways. My new responsibilities were not easy, but my seniors mentored me to become adept at my job.

Tell us some of your most memorable experiences in the company? 

As recent as July 2019, when I was bidding on the Railways tender, I found myself in a tough spot because there was a lot of competition between other bidders. Reverse Auction bidding consists of multiple-level bidding and the duration of the same is dependent on the number of competitors. However, after 13 hours of continuous bidding, we managed to get the L1 position in the Reverse Auction and bagged the 25 Crore Retention Tank order in favour of JSL Lifestyle. Next day in the Gurgaon office, I was asked to go to the third floor without any explanation. When I reached there, I was surprised to see Ms Deepika Jindal herself standing in front of me with a warm smile on her face. She congratulated me for all the effort that I put into getting the RA tender in our basket! This has definitely been the most memorable moment for me.

What message do you want to convey to your stainless family? 

Since I love watching basketball and am a big fan of Michael Jordan, I would like to share a quote by him – ‘Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.’ I believe that we can apply this to our work too. We should not rest until our good is better and until our better is best. We should try to improve ourselves because if there is no curiosity to learn and improve ourselves, then there will be no progress or happiness in life.
