Condolences to Late Shri SK Jain by our Leaders - Jindal Stainless
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Culture, Stainless Spirit

SK Jain

May 15, 2021    


Late Shri S K Jain -Jindal Stainless
Late Shri S K Jain
July 11, 1959 – April 16, 2021

“Mr Jain had been a part of our Stainless family for over 28 years. His untimely death has left us all shocked. He is survived by his wife and two daughters. On behalf of the Jindal Stainless family, we offer our deepest condolences to Mr Jain’s family and pray that they find the strength to bear this loss.”

Chairman, Jindal Stainless, Mr Ratan Jindal

Mr SK Jain passing over is a deep loss to the stainless family and for me too. He was my connect to JSL and was in need of his services in all that I managed. This has left a huge void for me. I pray that his soul rests in peace. May God give Sarita and his family all the strength to pass over this deep loss. My gratitude and respect to the departed soul.

Om Shanti!

Managing Director, JSL Lifestyle Limited, Ms Deepika Jindal

“Mr Jain was not just an integral part of Jindal Stainless, but was also one of the key people who established HR for OP Jindal Group several decades ago. Throughout his journey at Jindal Stainless, he has showcased resilience and responsibility and has motivated everyone around him. May his soul rest in peace.”

Managing Director, Jindal Stainless, Mr Abhyuday Jindal

“In my long association with Jindal Stainless since 1983, I can say the role of Shri S. K. Jain in putting systems in H.R. policies will always be remembered. Shocking to know of his untimely and sudden passing away. RIP.”

Mr Nirmal C Mathur

“It is just not believable that Mr Jain is no more with us. He was so full of life & energy, it is hard to believe the sad news. Our association goes back to almost three decades with all kinds of cherished memories. Mr SK Jain was a man for all seasons and an astute HR leader who was responsible for bringing in sea change in the HR practices of the group. Many of us would remember him for his wits, intelligence & leadership. He had been a role model for many of us. We will remember him as someone having not only deep subject knowledge & managerial skills, but as a fine human being who was devoted to ‘Dharma’. May Almighty grant peace to his soul.

With folded hands”

Mr Jagmohan Sood

“I found Mr Jain to be humble and truly passionate with his work. He has always kept the Company’s interest at the forefront. Will surely feel a big vacuum in Jindal Stainless’ leadership team.

RIP, ॐ शान्ति”

Mr Anurag Mantri

“Whenever I think of Mr Jain, his radiating smile, positive attitude and energy comes into mind. Many a times I sought his personal advice and he was always there to help. A person you can open your heart to, Mr Jain would not judge you and never kept an ego. Miss your calmness and personal touch, Sir.”

Mr Navneet Raghuvanshi

“The VDJS family remembers with moist eyes the mentor who always stood by us with wise counsel, a warm smile, soft words, and a loving demeanour. The void created by his loss is irrevocable and deep. We pray to God almighty to grant eternal peace to his soul. He had been a pillar of strength for us. His long and deep association with the school and education has contributed immensely to take the school to new heights. We will miss his eye for detail and forthrightness, professional commitment, and progressive spirit forever. Reminiscences of his oozing enthusiasm and craving for excellence will always guide us.” 

Ms Shalini Mehrotra

“It was early 2008, when I got a chance to meet Mr Jain in his Delhi Office. All HR related formalities were taken care of and he made me feel comfortable and shared his thoughts about CSR and other initiatives. He was a friend, mentor and a guide to our CSR projects and I got chance to work under him when he was Plant Unit Head at Hisar. He often used to walk in our CSR office, and share his student life experiences of XISS days with me, as we had the same alma mater.

I fondly remember I had once walked in his office and told him about a boy with a Masters degree in Science and whose mother was at a humble position at O P Jindal School. Mr Jain immediately met them and offered the boy a job in the

He will always be remembered as a kind-hearted man by all of us.

Ms Sangita Singh

“I have known Mr. S.K. Jain for over 17 years. At Jindal Stainless, I was interviewed by him in January 2004 and he was the one who handed me my joining letter. I was reading the condolence message of one of my colleagues to Mr. SK Jain and there it was very aptly said that “Mr. Jain was Father of HR in our Company”. It is hard to believe that Jain Saheb is not with us now, but his guidance, discipline and hard work will always be remembered. Jain Saheb, you will always remain an inspiration and embodiment of discipline”. 

Rest in Peace Jain Saheb! Loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.”

Mr B K Joshi

“Ever since I have met Mr. Jain, I found him a man full of energy, integrity, and an abundance of knowledge. His loyalty towards the Jindal family was paramount and a lesson for all Jindal employees.

Mr Kumar Jagat

“I had heard about Mr. Jain ever since I joined Jindal Stainless but got the opportunity to work with him when he joined back as CHRO in June, 2019. I worked with him very closely on several assignments and exchanged calls & mails till the evening of 15th April’21. The news of his demise was sudden and shocking. We would always talk about his fitness and energy in the team huddle sessions. His zeal for his work and HR, per se, was evident in every initiative he took for his people. He was a well learned leader who would always share his knowledge with us. A meticulous mentor with much enthusiasm and motivation for creativity, he would always appreciate efforts and praise the deserving. Hard on the outside but tender & considerate on the inside, I learned a lot from him in these 2 years and will always remember him as one of the toughest yet kind bosses. This is a loss to the HR fraternity and Jindal Stainless. May his soul rest in peace.”

Ms Ashwini Singh

 “In my brief association with Mr S.K. Jain, I had found him to be a true leader and mentor who inspired many to achieve excellence at the workplace and beyond.  He was a very knowledgeable, amicable, encouraging, generous and soft spoken gentleman. He would not intervene really but would add a lot of value when he did so.  He always emphasizes continuous learning and believes that Leaders are made by hard work and they are not born. He was instrumental in preparing me for statutory compliances in the personnel area as a teacher teaching his novice students. I will really miss such a thoughtful teacher who inspired us to greater heights.

Mr Puran Singh

 जैन साहब बहुत ही अच्छे व्यक्ति थे और हम सब का सम्मान करते थे, भगवान उनकी आत्मा को शांति दे और उनके परिवार को शक्ति प्रदान करे

Mr Prashant Sahoo 

 “It fills my heart with unspeakable sorrow witnessing the demise of a man we dearly respected and learnt from. As kind hearted a person that he was, he was equally rigorous and disciplined in his work and life. A gracious individual, his softness embalmed the lives of all those who came in contact with him. I too was fortunate enough to notice this great life of simplicity, dedication and sheer wisdom. My deepest condolences to Mr. S.k. Jain’s family. May he rest in peace!

Mr Rajinder Raina

“A teacher, a mentor, a boss and a fatherly figure – Jain Sir was all in one for me. He was an embodiment of self-belief who taught me that You are what you believe to be. Our endless conversations on various occasions made me wonder about his simplicity and profundity. He was a sagacious leader who thrived not only to teach but also to learn every single day. He wanted each one of us at Jindal Stainless to embrace learning in such a way that it becomes the way of our life – a passion that he lived for till his last breath.”

Ms Deepika Singh Anand

Mr. SK Jain hired me in his team, I was fortunate to work under his guidance on some crucial  HR projects which were not only path breaking for the organization but also added a lot of value to me as a professional . Always an epitome of professional conduct he inspired us to keep a holistic but balanced approach, he kept on igniting us to challenge the status quo and keep learning every day. Infact it is because of him that I have a hashtag on my whiteboard, it reads # I Learn Everyday #. We have lost a mentor , a guiding light and a compassionate leader who always believed in his team. RIP Sir.

Ms Mandvi Shringi

“He was a learned professional with a plethora of knowledge who could easily be referred to as a walking library. His wisdom was hard-earned. He was the first person who had more experience than my age I have ever worked with. Working with him taught me discipline, empathy, and farsightedness. He was a great mentor and guide. We were always in awe of his knowledge and diverse experience.

He used to emphasize the importance of stretching ourselves to our maximum capacity and recognizing our potential. Being an avid reader he used to suggest to us some of his favorite reads. He has been very protective during and after office hours or while we would travel. I miss the fatherly conversations that he had with me during my treatment. He has always supported and motivated me and my team beyond expectations.

It is a big loss to our organization and team. His demise has left us in shock. None can ever fill this void. May his soul rest in peace and his family finds the strength to bear this loss.”

Ms Priyanka Sharma

“I became a part of the JSL family in October 2019. I got the opportunity to work with Mr S. K. Jain for almost 1.5 years. I can proudly say that he was a visionary leader and an excellent mentor. We have lost a great leader who had more to offer in the future. His calm presence even in adversities will be a source of inspiration to us. His legacy of progressive ideas will always guide us like a beacon light.”

Mr Rakesh Pathak

Sir, you will always be remembered. Your words and advice will be there with me. Still it is hard to believe that we won’t be having your presence around us anymore, but wherever you are, may your soul rest in peace. 

Way back in the year 2008 when I was almost a new entrant into the HR field, you had given me the opportunity to get associated with JSL and explore into areas that were unexplored at my end earlier. I’ll be always grateful to you for such encouragement and trust.

You always emphasized on learning. I would always remember your explanation of the word “LEARNING” which you beautifully mentioned as “LEARN + EARNING” i.e., the more you are agile towards learning, you will be shaping your future with an enhanced knowledge level and earning capability.

More than a CHRO/ Reviewing Manager/ Reporting Manager, you have always been a TEACHER and MENTOR to me. 

Mr Ayushman Sinha Ray

“Salute & tribute to the visionary leader known for his excellence in HR Skills & people management.  A humble leader who started as an HR manager to a Unit Head, and went on to become the Chief Human Resource officer. A passionate leader who will always be remembered for his fructified vision towards achievement across all facets of life. He has always been an inspiration for us all to deliver our best every day and to relentlessly serve Jindal Stainless. Your values, principles, compassion & care shall continue to remain our guiding light.”

Mr Nitin Aggarwal

स्वर्गीय श्री एस. के. जैन करीब 2 दषको से मेरे मार्ग दर्षक के साथ साथ हमेषा दुख दर्द में साथ देने वाले व्यक्ति थे तथा अधिकारी होते हुए भी परिवार तुल्य थे।

उनके मुख से हमेशा मधुर शब्द ही निकलते थे तथा उनका कौषल, अनुभव, अनुषासनात्मक व्यक्तित्व तथा सवो र्त्म चरित्र जिसका वर्णन करने मे मैं असमर्थ हूॅ, आज प्रेरणा रूप मे हमारे बीच विराजमान है।

उनकी अच्छी समृतियां तथा आदर्षो को हम सदैव धरोहर के रूप में सुरक्षित रखे, यही उनके प्रति सच्ची श्रद्धांजलि होगी।

अनुपम जाखववाल
