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Non-Formal Education Centre's are run in communities and provide basic education to children who are first generation learners and drop outs. The centre's aim at providing basic education to the children and eventually link them to formal schools. Remedial Education Centres provide support to older students in subjects like Mathematics, English, and Science. Efforts are also put in to ensure that the children who have enrolled in schools do not drop out due to poor performance.
Innovative programs like ‘Hole in the Wall’ and ‘Education through Sports’ are also being implemented to reach out maximum beneficiaries. ‘Hole in the Wall’ is a unique self-learning computer based program for children. As the name suggests, it is an initiative which has a computer system in the open which can be accessed by the children in the community or a school without restrictions. The program encourages children to explore the computer system on their own and explore various learning modules on Maths, Science, cleanliness, sanitation, etc.
‘Education through Sports’ program works directly with thousands of 2000 children and focuses on enhancing their sports skills and overall personality development through sports. Games are used as lessons on issues like personal hygiene, friendship, gender sensitivity, leadership skills, and communication skills.
Formal education is imparted through the Vidya Devi Jindal School, a residential school for girls in Hisar with over 800 students yearly and OP Jindal Modern School in Hisar, a co-ed school with 5000 students.